
The sandwich panels that we produce for the marine sector are highly valued for their versatility, performance and quality of finishes


Taking advantage of the properties of honeycomb panels we can make lightweight custom-made furniture for all kinds of boats


The use of composite panels has become a standard in the naval sector. Their use, previously restricted to small works for cost reasons, is rapidly expanding thanks to the fact that over time production costs have fallen significantly due to the gradual introduction of automated production methods and more versatile technical solutions, capable of competing against other solutions, with lower performance but more economical. Starcell sandwich panels can be used to create cabin walls, furniture and furnishings for public and private settings, floors, stairs, suspended ceilings, sunshades and parapets.

Large cruise ships

The increasing demand for large cruise ships and fast ferries to have lighter structures has led to the success of sandwich panels with aluminium honeycomb cores. Their high mechanical performance, flexibility and ease of use, as well as their extremely low weight, make them suitable to create structures that contribute to increasing the comfort on board and the overall performance othe unit. All this in absolute safety for passengers, determined by the fire resistance and absence of toxic fumes of Starcell’s honeycomb panels, certified according to MED standards.

Military ships

In addition to aluminium honeycomb panels, which have been in use for many years for various structural and non-structural applications (furniture, bulkheads, floors, engine room, crew beds, etc.), military vessels increasingly require panels with non-metallic cores (nomex, closed cells, self-extinguishing structural foams) for applications on special hyper-technological units. Thanks to the diverse production lines of its plant, Starcell can supply multiple types of sandwich panels to meet both the demands for “traditional” materials and those for materials considered “strategic” for military applications.

Pleasure craft

The demand for increasingly high performance without sacrificing on-board comfort has led to the exponential success of a broad range of sandwich structures in the pleasure craft sector. Thanks to their outstanding mechanical properties, extremely light weight, ease of application, and the variety of possible configurations and surface finishes typical of sandwich structures, Starcell panels can be used in both small boats and luxury megayachts approved under the latest safety standards.

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